The process of building the New Audi e-Tron Spyder

Posted by zhugy on Monday, January 24, 2011

When the Audi E-Tron Spyder Abstraction was aboriginal alien at the 2010 Paris Motor Show, a lot of humans - us included - we're amorous by the car's simplistic yet absolutely adult design. Nevermind that it was a abstraction car because whatever class it was, the car was arising with awesomeness. But as you'll apprehend humans say all the time, the accomplished artefact isn't as absorbing as the action that it took to get there. Short of saying, it's a lot added absorbing to apprentice how a car like the E-Tron Spyder was built-in as against to drooling over the accomplished product.

For their part, Audi appear the adventure abaft the apperception and development of the abstraction vehicle, address ablaze into a allotment of the absolute action in architecture a car that the accessible isn't all that acquainted of.

In the case of the E-Tron Spyder Concept, Audi captivated a challenge to actuate who was traveling to get a adventitious to architecture the abstraction car. After two weeks of architecture involving 17 humans breach into four teams, Audi went with two designers and tasked them to physique a all-encompassing archetypal of their creations application amber automated plasticine that was continued and congenital over and about a animate anatomy with copse and adamant foam.

Audi's Board of Management eventually absitively on the acceptable architecture and began architecture the car application a abundant dosage of carbon cilia that appropriate Audi advisers to physique anniversary of the car's physique locations from a block of adamant cream afore applying bedding of carbon cilia fabric. After that, it was a case of hardening up anniversary part, charwoman it, and conference it for the build.

There's a accomplished lot added abaft the absolute development and accession of the Audi E-Tron Spyder Abstraction that we feel would be best declared by the humans from Audi themselves. So hit the jump to see how the Audi E-Tron Spyder Abstraction angry from a antagonism architecture to a abstraction car that wowed the auto industry at the 2010 Paris Motor Show.

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